“Travel is not about merely seeing new places, but about challenging misconceptions, connecting deeply with local cultures, and realizing that empathy, understanding, and less fear can transform the way we interact with the world” - James Hammond on Nomadic Diaries

Hey all! I love checking out new coffee shops in Vancouver; read below for more information.

Travel has changed for me over the decade, and now I am much more curious about the world around me rather than taking a hedonistic approach. I need to learn more about this world.

My travels now consist of much more nature, so I love walking or taking a short hike up to a viewpoint. I have a huge interest in coffee, so I will always seek out an independent coffee shop everywhere I am!

Local food is a must! I genuinely believe that to get to know a place locally, you must go to those little family-run restaurants or food markets to try all the foods possible. It is one of the best things about travel!

What type of traveller am I? Well I love road trips, train travel, overlanding, backpacking, staying in hostels and getting local transport. Definitely NO cruise ships!

There is a fun FAQ below if you want some quick-fire answers, too; great to meet you all!

Contact me for more info.


Why ‘Roaming with Hammo’ as the name of your YouTube channel?

“Moving about aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area”. This pretty much sums up my life, travels and how I think.

Top 5 favourite places you have visited?

In no order! Japan, Bolivia, New Zealand, Australia and Jordan.

When did you start travelling?

I began in 2010 when I booked a return flight to Australia at the very last minute to join my friends on a trip to watch the England Cricket team vs Australia. It is fair to say I haven’t looked back since. I couldn’t believe a place like Australia existed! Amazing beaches, weather, people, lifestyle, earning potential and more! Check out my podcast episode on it here.

What type of travel will be on your YouTube channel?

There is a series on our road trip across Canada and the USA, which took four months in our tiny campervan, a Toyota Sienna 2000. I love coffee and local food, so I will be trying as much as I can in the future. I definitely prefer off-season travel, so you won’t find me in Santorini in the summer. My favourite types of places are islands, mountains, big cities, and the wonders of the world. Just casual vibes, a deep curiosity, genuine information and I like to chuck in a few funny comments in too.